Friday, 28 November 2008


    When the invigilator collected our EST paper we were already very excited. That was the last paper for most of us even though I have another Prinsip Perakuanan paper on Monday. That morning I receive a call from Sy asking to go eat breakfast together. But I waited a quite awhile before he phone again and ask me why I'm not there. I was confused as I thought he were coming to fetch me to go eat breakfast together. At the and Sy came by to pick me up and join Lj and Wj for Dim Sum nearby.

    After the breakfast we when to school for the EST paper. After the paper Sy and Bear came to my place to bath & change and then we when to Gurney Plaza. We watch Madagascar yesterday, it was quite nice and humorous but it lack the song I like most about Madagascar – I like to move it. We went gurney with Lj Wj Jx Hk. We also met a lot of people there. After the show we went to play pool and went back at about 11:15 .

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Half –way Through

    AM and moral yesterday was the half-way mark of my SPM. Add Maths was more harder than expected as rumors about the Add Maths paper of the SPM is going to be easy flew all around. But overall it was much more easier than the trial exam. After AM then most feared subject by me – Moral, cause I rarely pass this subject as I can't memorize the definitions of the nilai's. When I looked at the moral paper my mind when blank and that time I knew that my moral was a goner. I think a 4B is the best I can get for this subject. Chemistry is up next (tomorrow)

Thursday, 13 November 2008

The War Began

    The battle between the fifth former had began. Today is the third day of the battle, we've finish our battles with some of the most grueling subjects such as BM and History. ( ^_^ ) Finally after many years of torturing under these two subjects I'm finally free from them. Besides those 2, I've also completed my English and Math paper. The questions are not as hard as expected, it was a relieve when I saw that the SPM papers are not as hard as the school exams. We'll resume battle after taking 4 days of rest to reequip ourselves to face the upcoming battles of Add Math, Moral and Chemistry which are all due next week.

    Last Thursday was a bummer as I washed out in my car test. It started alright when I did my road test. The momentum is still on when I cross the hill but then I was so careless that I failed in side parking. I managed to touch the tyre when I was moving out of the parking lot and that's when the tester failed me. Haiz!! The next day I went to a friend's birthday – Jx in Gurney Plaza. A total of 11 of us went to celebrate his birthday with him. After lunch at Kim Gary's we went to see secret agent in action – 007 Quantum of Solace. The action packed movie was really entertaining but unlike other James Bond movie this 1 lacks those romance scenes which is 1 of the trademarks of James Bond. What I and Wj did those 2 days were unlike students who are going to sit for their SPM few days later.


Saturday, 1 November 2008


    还记得五年前第一次到母校orientation时,那时的我多么想让未来的五年快快过完。年光似鸟翩翩过,昨天步入礼堂的我正要参加毕业典礼。昨天一早到学校就看到朋友们在把一起在母校的最后时刻捕抓起来,我们互相倜傥,互相为今天留下最美好的回忆。随后我们就在纠察团的安排在步入礼堂。礼堂里同学们的脸色各异,有笑容,有感动,有无奈,有不舍…… 当嘉宾步入礼堂后,结束我在钟灵中学求学日子的典礼开始了。国歌,州歌的旋调在礼堂溜淌后各位嘉宾就意义的支持并给与我们一些金玉良言。 致词完了,各位杰出的毕业生就激动了因为又到颁发各项奖项的时候了。话也讲完,奖也颁完,就是到时候说再见了。铜乐队奏起了校歌的旋律,第一次大家把校歌唱得那么动听。礼堂的每个角落都可以听到毕业生随着旋律唱着校歌。友谊比天长的韵调随着嘉宾们的离去奏起了,最后副校长同我们唱了一首歌我们才依依不舍的离开。

    昨天毕业典礼后,我,伟杰和正扬就去了Gurney Plaza 看High School Musical 3. 早上我们毕业,下午我们看了一场关于结束中学生涯的戏。我们还遇到了许多的朋友,大家都不约而同得到Gurney 去玩一天。 High School Musical 里的音乐编得十分的悦耳,舞蹈也编排得令人赏心悦目。 看完戏后我就随着时育,敬翔,龙捷,仕隆和正扬到金火锅去。那里大概有30位毕业生陆续到来,我们边吃火锅便谈天,一直到10 时我才回家。

    五个春秋就这样过了,在钟灵的日子也只剩下那9天的SPM而已。伤离别,虽然离别在眼前,SPM 后大家就各奔前程了不知何时我们再能齐聚一堂呢?