Friday, 17 October 2008


About 9 a.m. today, 3rd formers all around the country finished their first hurdle of their secondary life (PMR). To them is fun and games from now onwards till next year but to us 5th formers the pressure of the SPM is getting heavier by the minute. 24 more days till the 1st day of the SPM which contains 1 of the most feared paper by me-history. I can’t really memorized things so I have always failed to get good grades for this subject. I hope I can outperform during the SPM and get a better grade. 24 more days for the final charge but I still can’t find the motivation required to allow me to work hard. It struck me yesterday during Jin Gooi was teaching chemistry, I have some of the symptoms of depression. Maybe I’m too depress, maybe just a mild case…… Most of the things did not go according to plan recently (license, study……) and too many failures faced (results, gals, things that I do, ……)

Am I just being too negative?? Or I’m really too depress??


Anonymous said...

hey babe...u're thinking too negative d. depress for the unnecessary i would say. but then again, i understand how u're feeling because i've gone thru that phase of life. and babe, you've only fail 2 subjects in your trial; yours truly, sitting her doing what she's best, failed almost everything during f4 n f5. and still, i've got sth i'm satisfied with. its how u see things that make you feel differently. if you think 8As is not satisfying of cuz u'll feel tension.

y not try the sloppy way? dun giv a whole lot of damn (but of cuz do your best) like what i did. and the result was unexpected for me. consider what you want to further your studies, den decide on which subj to concentrate and score distinction ;) anyway, when you go to coll, den you'll know how 'nothing' is high sch; and when you work, you'll know how 'nothing' is studies. its the experiences and the learning process during that is essential.

anyway, good luck in your spm!! may you have the best of all in your future undertakings.

p/s: your parents would probably slash me to death if they know i'm telling this to u...haha

Leo said...

ur so right .... they will most probably slash u .... haha!!!!